12th November 2022 - Rye Foreign Parish Council

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12th November 2022

Parish Agenda's > 2022
RYE FOREIGN PARISH COUNCIL Meeting on Tuesday 12th September 2023 at The Hub, Kiln Drive, Rye Foreign TN31 7SQ at 7.30 p.m.
  1. Public Question time 10 minutes
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Declarations of interest
  4. Signing of minutes from 11th July 2023 sent by email
  5. Report from ESCC sent by email
  6. Report from Rother District Council
  7. Change of day for Council meeting owing to the hub be unavailable on some Tuesdays
You have all received Clr Paul Redstone commitments by email.   We have a meeting every two months.
  1. Defibrillator David will explain
  2. Planning Leasam lodge emailed details
Tree in the cemetery   dealt with planning application and approval then felled by Rother with our knowledge it was on the main route through and could have endangered walkers and the chapel.   We will find a suitable place to plant one or two
  1. Finance   £13,637.04 in the bank all cheques cleared
£157.92 notice board at Lea Farm entrance
  1. Escc Japanese Knot weed
  2. Rother to do our website



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