8th November 2022 - Rye Foreign Parish Council

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8th November 2022

Parish Agenda's > 2022
Rye Foreign Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 8th November 2022 at The Hub, Kiln Drive, Rye Foreign at 7.30  p.m.


  1. General Public
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Minutes of 11th October 2022 sent by email
  4. ESSC report sent out by email
  5. Rother district Council report Councillors Paul Osborne and Lizzie Hacking
  6. Decision for the mowing 2023/24    Success with Hedge trimming
  7. Decision  on planning for two bins and map holder  
  8. Update on dog barking
  9. Update on Cemetery Chapel
  10. Planning decision refusal Leasam House
  11. Finance Hub £14.40
PFK 396 late accounts
Ralc ? no bill yet
Clls Janie Richardson and Teresa Munro will do the course @ £40 each
Support for Swimming pool
  1. Web Site and computer
  2. The Hub
Rother District Council are short staffed so are not sending anyone at present
Citizen Advice Bureau hope to send someone
There are various things going on full details in Fixtures with appropriate numbers to book in with,
Feet, hearing, exercise,, pilates, exercise



Next Meeting Tuesday 10th January 2023 at The Hub

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